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Council Events

Confirmation 2024

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Confirmation Reception We hosted a successful reception for Sacred Heart’s Confirmation class on Sunday, April 21st.This joyous occasion celebrated not only the Confirmation of Sacred Heart’s class but also welcomed our newest members joining the Catholic faith through RCIA.It was a heartwarming event that brought our… Read More »Confirmation 2024

Feed the Hungry 2024

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Feed the Hungry 2024 Thanks to the incredible support of our parish family and dedicated volunteers, the event at Saint Mary’s Cathedral Hall (May 5th) was a resounding success! Combined efforts played a vital role in providing much-needed assistance to… Read More »Feed the Hungry 2024

Padre Night 2024

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PADRE NIGHT 2024 A Successful Padre Night 2024! The Knights of Columbus recently hosted the Padre Night 2024 at the Polish Canadian Club on [Date]. This special celebration aimed to honor the esteemed priests and clergy of our diocese with… Read More »Padre Night 2024

Stations of the Cross 2024

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STATIONS OF THE CROSS 2024 On the first Friday of Lent, February 16th, the Knights of Columbus at Sacred Heart Church hosted a deeply moving Stations of the Cross. Nearly 80 parishioners joined this solemn reflection on Jesus’ Passion, guided… Read More »Stations of the Cross 2024

Shrove Tuesday 2024

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SHROVE TUESDAY 2024 We hosted a successful and spirit-filled Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast for students and teachers of Sacred Heart Elementary! It was a true embodiment of our spirit of service, with brothers working together to efficiently serve delicious pancakes… Read More »Shrove Tuesday 2024