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Family Director Service Hours

ActivityHoursDate of ActivitySuggested CategoryEntered/Updated By (Name)Notes
COR Meeting2002/24/2024FaithTim DSecond COR meeting, 10 x 2 Hours.
COR Planning802/21/2024FaithTim DCOR Research & Planning
RSVP - Seeds of the Word201/31/2024FaithPhonse DResearching Lyceum donation. Organizing Seeds of the Word presentation for the Feb Council meeting.
Rosary Program - Fraternal Rosary301/02/2024FaithPhonse DRosary before Council meeting - 6 Knights
Rosary Program - Parish Rosary/Lectoring201/31/2024FaithPhonse DTwo weekday Masses in Jan.
Rosary Program - Updating Parish Lector/Rosary Binder801/31/2024FaithPhonse DProducing and Updating documents for the Parish.
Stations of the Cross702/14/2024FaithPhonse D7 Knights x 1 hrs
RSVP - Seminanrians202/26/2024FaithPhonse DResearching Lyceum donation
Rosary Program - Fraternal Rosary202/06/2024FaithPhonse DRosary before Council meeting - 4 Knights
Rosary Program - Parish Rosary/Lectoring602/29/2024FaithPhonse DFeb 1,2,14,21,23,29.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast (Food for Families)4502/13/2024FamilyPhonse DCategorized this under Knights "Food for Families" program.
Lyceum Society charity committee meeting602/22/2024OtherPhonse D4 Knights x 1.5 hrs ( may attribute half to Elizabeth House and half to RSVP - Seminarians)
Funeral Reception January 15th2201/15/2024FaithTim DFuneral reception for Holly Lynn White
Funeral Reception February5002/02/2024FaithTim DFuneral for Michael Bulger
Padre Night802/08/2024FaithTim D.Padre Night preparation and attendance.
Fr. Arjay's Birthday Celebration1001/19/2024CommunityTim D.Knights attendance at and in support of Fr. Arjay's birthday celebration
Family of the Month Program Development1201/15/2024FamilyTim D.Preparation of materials, procedures and promotion of FOTM.
Stations of the Cross - Reception - Clam Chowder2002/16/2024CommunityTim D.Reception (Clam Chowder) after Stations of the Cross - Preparation, serving, and cleanup afterwards. ~4 Knights.
RSVP - Seeds of the Word203/03/2024FaithPhonse DAttend Seeds of the Word Profession of Vows at St. Mary's Cathedral.
Fraternal Rosary203/05/2024FaithPhonse DPre Council Rosary
Lyceum Society Board meeting603/05/2024OtherPhonse DApproval of donations to Elizabeth House (10), Seeds of the Word (5), and Diocese Seminarian Fund (5).
Parish Rosary/Lectoring103/08/2024FaithPhonse D
Parish Rosary/Lectoring103/21/2024FaithPhonse D
Preparation and Meeting with Fr. Christino - Lyceum Society Donation203/22/2024OtherPhonse DLearning from the Vicar responsible for vocations and young adults best approach for the Lyceum Society to support the Vocations Office.
Funeral Reception - April 16th4004/16/2024FaithTim D (Lorne)Marie Germaine Yvette Rappel
Parish Renewal604/18/2024FaithTim DPrepare materials for SH Renewal
Pastoral Renewal Event Participation1004/20/2024FaithPhonse D5 Knights x 2 hours
Parish Rosary/Lectoring104/18/2024FaithPhonse D
Father Lacombe meeting - Lyceum Society Donation604/08/2024CommunityPhonse D / Tim DJohn L. & Tim D. 3 Hours x 2.
Lyceum Society Charity Committee and Board meeting404/09/2024OtherPhonse D / Tim D.4 Hours.
Fraternal Rosary - Apr 9 meeting004/09/2024FaithPhonse D / Tim D.Rosary was not prayed.
Vocations Rally Participation1204/21/2024FaithPhonse D3 Knights x 4 hours
COR participation2504/27/2024FaithPhonse D10 Knights x 2.5 hrs
Parish Rosary/lectoring104/25/2024FaithPhonse D
Confirmation Reception4004/21/2024FaithTim D7 Knights - 40 hours.
Feed the Hungry Event1205/05/2024FamilyPhonse D3 Knights x 4 hours
Parish Rosary105/03/2024FaithPhonse D
Fraternal Rosary205/07/2024FaithPhonse DPre-Council meeting Rosary, 4 Knights.
Mother's Day Roses Sales (2024)2505/12/2024CommunityTim D. (Mike W.)Mother's Day Roses sales May 11th & 12th
Lyceum Charity Committee Meeting705/22/2024OtherPhonse D7 Knights x 1 hour
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper program1205/31/2024FamilyPhonse D (Mike W)Estimated 12 hours per Month (Mike W)
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper Program1204/30/2024FamilyPhonse D. (Mike W.)
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper Program1203/31/2024FamilyPhonse D. (Mike W)
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper Program1202/29/2024FamilyPhonse D (Mike W)
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper Program1201/31/2024FamilyPhonse D (Mike W)
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society501/31/2024CommunityPD/MWEstimated 5 hours per month (Mike W)
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society502/29/2024CommunityPD/MW
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society503/31/2024CommunityPD/MW
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society504/30/2024CommunityPD/MW
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society505/31/2024CommunityPD/MW
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council1005/31/2024OtherPD/MWEstimated 10 hours per month (Mike W)
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council1004/30/2024OtherPD/MW
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council1003/31/2024OtherPD/MW
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council1002/29/2024OtherPD/MW
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council1001/31/2024OtherPD/MW
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer1501/31/2024OtherPD/MWEstimated 15 hours per month (Mike W)
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer1502/29/2024OtherPD/MW
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer1503/31/2024OtherPD/MW
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer1504/30/2024OtherPD/MW
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer1505/31/2024OtherPD/MW
Hike for Life3005/12/2024LifeTim D.Preparation, promotion and participation in the 44th Annual Hike for Life
Parish Stampede Breakfast9707/06/2024CommunityTim D.15 Knights participating in various activities.
Garage Sale 202424906/17/2024CommunityTim D.Garage Sale activities (June 17th-24th)
Calgary Chapter Meeting2006/24/2024FaithTim D.Preparations for Calgary Chapter Meeting.
Eucharistic Adoration (for vocations)3006/07/2024FaithTim D.Eucharistic Adoration - 10 Knights - 30 hours combined June 7- 9, 2024
Parish BBQ 202415008/25/2024CommunityTim D20 Knights volunteer hours.
Br. Martin funeral 2508/09/2024FaithTim D.
Fraternal Rosary2.509/03/2024FaithPhonse D.5 Knights
Funeral Reception2603/14/2024FaithPD/LGMario Stocchero
Funeral Reception3503/19/2024FaithPD/LGIcy May Chen-See
Funeral Reception4006/18/2024FaithPD/LGHelen Krauzer
Funeral Reception5007/10/2024FaithPD/LGGuy Francois Joseph Doll
Funeral Reception4007/11/2024FaithPD/LGDeolita Padilla
Funeral Reception4007/18/2024FaithPD/LGHarold & Jacqueline Pommerehnke
Funeral Reception5007/25/2024FaithPD/LGTheodora White
Funeral Reception5007/30/2024FaithPD/LGAlida Maria Carpay
Funeral Reception5008/09/2024FaithPD/LGMartin McDonald
Lyceum Charity Committee Meeting607/25/2024OtherPhonse D.6 Knights x 1 hour
Lyceum Board Meeting508/01/2024OtherPhonse D.5 Knights x 1 hour
Sept COR Meeting2209/28/2024FaithPD11 Knights in attendance.
Membership Drive1010/13/2024CommunityRoy IfillTime accumulated from Sun, Oct 6 to Sun, Oct 13.
Interactions with RBC Royal Bank as Council Treasurer410/17/2024OtherRoy IfillSought information and explanations from the bank. Tried to get RBC to facilitate our Council's banking needs. Time accumulated from Jun 13 to Oct 11, 2024.
Registered and tested to receive e-Transfers as autodeposits610/04/2024OtherRoy IfillCollaborative effort of GK (Br. Tim D.), FS (Br. John L.) and Treasurer (Br. Roy) at 2 hours each.
Membership Drive2010/25/2024CommunityRoy IfillTime accumulated from Oct 14 to Oct 23, 2024.
COR - October1610/26/2024FaithPD8 Knights x 2 hrs
Council Retreat - Mount St. Francis5510/30/2024FaithPD11 Knights x 5 hrs
Council Retreat Planning1010/30/2024FaithPD
Membership Town Hall2010/26/2024FaithTDTim D. Planning hours for event. Tim D. John L. attending the event.
Fraternal Rosary311/05/2024FaithPD6 Knights x 0.5 hrs
Interaction with RBC Royal Bank as Council Treasurer0.511/18/2024OtherRoy IfillWe receive our monthly bank statements in paper form by mail; digital form not available to us. Now that Canada Post is on strike, I requested that the most recent statement be emailed to me.
Visiting the Sick511/23/2024LifePD/MWBrother Mike visit and groceries, etc. for Brother Kevin.
November COR2411/30/2024FaithPD12 Knights x 2 Hours
Lyceum Research212/05/2024OtherPDPreparation and meeting with Seeds of the Word
Diocese Advent Renewal Mission (Dec 3,4,5)4012/05/2024CommunityPDOver three nights. Up to 8 Knights in attendance. Also, planning and assisting.
Square financial infrastructure setup6010/25/2024OtherTD
Funeral Reception4010/17/2024FaithPD/LGTracy Lee MacLeod
Funeral Reception4010/29/2024FaithPD/LGAlec Kevin McDonald
Funeral Reception4011/01/2024FaithPD/LGFrank Arias
Funeral Reception4011/27/2024FaithPD/LGJIm Uniake
December COR1812/28/2024FaithPD7 Knights x 2 hrs plus preparation
Christmas Party5012/13/2024CommunityTDAnnual Christmas Party - Combined efforts of 6 Knights