The Knights of Columbus Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast for Sacred Heart Elementary School students was a successful event.
Students enjoyed a morning of fun and delicious pancakes as they prepared for the start of Lent.

We thank Worthy Youth Director Cyril for his leadership and coordination of the event.
Brother Lorne Gartner procured all the supplies and oversaw the faithful preparation of the Knight’s famous recipe.

Sijo Abraham, our Council Chef, cooked perfect pancakes, assisted by Shibu Antony. Phonse Delaney ensured smooth student flow and event mechanics.
We also thank Brothers Roy Ifill, Anthony Obi., Fr. Mario, Fr. Arjay, John Leahy, John Bothwell, and Tim Dahm for their dedicated service, which contributed to a memorable and happy experience for the children.

We hope the children gained a small understanding of the meaning of Shrove Tuesday through the event.