Family Director Service Hours
Activity | Hours | Date of Activity | Suggested Category | Entered/Updated By (Name) | Notes |
COR Meeting | 20 | 02/24/2024 | Faith | Tim D | Second COR meeting, 10 x 2 Hours. |
COR Planning | 8 | 02/21/2024 | Faith | Tim D | COR Research & Planning |
RSVP - Seeds of the Word | 2 | 01/31/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Researching Lyceum donation. Organizing Seeds of the Word presentation for the Feb Council meeting. |
Rosary Program - Fraternal Rosary | 3 | 01/02/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Rosary before Council meeting - 6 Knights |
Rosary Program - Parish Rosary/Lectoring | 2 | 01/31/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Two weekday Masses in Jan. |
Rosary Program - Updating Parish Lector/Rosary Binder | 8 | 01/31/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Producing and Updating documents for the Parish. |
Stations of the Cross | 7 | 02/14/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | 7 Knights x 1 hrs |
RSVP - Seminanrians | 2 | 02/26/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Researching Lyceum donation |
Rosary Program - Fraternal Rosary | 2 | 02/06/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Rosary before Council meeting - 4 Knights |
Rosary Program - Parish Rosary/Lectoring | 6 | 02/29/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Feb 1,2,14,21,23,29. |
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast (Food for Families) | 45 | 02/13/2024 | Family | Phonse D | Categorized this under Knights "Food for Families" program. |
Lyceum Society charity committee meeting | 6 | 02/22/2024 | Other | Phonse D | 4 Knights x 1.5 hrs ( may attribute half to Elizabeth House and half to RSVP - Seminarians) |
Funeral Reception January 15th | 22 | 01/15/2024 | Faith | Tim D | Funeral reception for Holly Lynn White |
Funeral Reception February | 50 | 02/02/2024 | Faith | Tim D | Funeral for Michael Bulger |
Padre Night | 8 | 02/08/2024 | Faith | Tim D. | Padre Night preparation and attendance. |
Fr. Arjay's Birthday Celebration | 10 | 01/19/2024 | Community | Tim D. | Knights attendance at and in support of Fr. Arjay's birthday celebration |
Family of the Month Program Development | 12 | 01/15/2024 | Family | Tim D. | Preparation of materials, procedures and promotion of FOTM. |
Stations of the Cross - Reception - Clam Chowder | 20 | 02/16/2024 | Community | Tim D. | Reception (Clam Chowder) after Stations of the Cross - Preparation, serving, and cleanup afterwards. ~4 Knights. |
RSVP - Seeds of the Word | 2 | 03/03/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Attend Seeds of the Word Profession of Vows at St. Mary's Cathedral. |
Fraternal Rosary | 2 | 03/05/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Pre Council Rosary |
Lyceum Society Board meeting | 6 | 03/05/2024 | Other | Phonse D | Approval of donations to Elizabeth House (10), Seeds of the Word (5), and Diocese Seminarian Fund (5). |
Parish Rosary/Lectoring | 1 | 03/08/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | |
Parish Rosary/Lectoring | 1 | 03/21/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | |
Preparation and Meeting with Fr. Christino - Lyceum Society Donation | 2 | 03/22/2024 | Other | Phonse D | Learning from the Vicar responsible for vocations and young adults best approach for the Lyceum Society to support the Vocations Office. |
Funeral Reception - April 16th | 40 | 04/16/2024 | Faith | Tim D (Lorne) | Marie Germaine Yvette Rappel |
Parish Renewal | 6 | 04/18/2024 | Faith | Tim D | Prepare materials for SH Renewal |
Pastoral Renewal Event Participation | 10 | 04/20/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | 5 Knights x 2 hours |
Parish Rosary/Lectoring | 1 | 04/18/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | |
Father Lacombe meeting - Lyceum Society Donation | 6 | 04/08/2024 | Community | Phonse D / Tim D | John L. & Tim D. 3 Hours x 2. |
Lyceum Society Charity Committee and Board meeting | 4 | 04/09/2024 | Other | Phonse D / Tim D. | 4 Hours. |
Fraternal Rosary - Apr 9 meeting | 0 | 04/09/2024 | Faith | Phonse D / Tim D. | Rosary was not prayed. |
Vocations Rally Participation | 12 | 04/21/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | 3 Knights x 4 hours |
COR participation | 25 | 04/27/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | 10 Knights x 2.5 hrs |
Parish Rosary/lectoring | 1 | 04/25/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | |
Confirmation Reception | 40 | 04/21/2024 | Faith | Tim D | 7 Knights - 40 hours. |
Feed the Hungry Event | 12 | 05/05/2024 | Family | Phonse D | 3 Knights x 4 hours |
Parish Rosary | 1 | 05/03/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | |
Fraternal Rosary | 2 | 05/07/2024 | Faith | Phonse D | Pre-Council meeting Rosary, 4 Knights. |
Mother's Day Roses Sales (2024) | 25 | 05/12/2024 | Community | Tim D. (Mike W.) | Mother's Day Roses sales May 11th & 12th |
Lyceum Charity Committee Meeting | 7 | 05/22/2024 | Other | Phonse D | 7 Knights x 1 hour |
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper program | 12 | 05/31/2024 | Family | Phonse D (Mike W) | Estimated 12 hours per Month (Mike W) |
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper Program | 12 | 04/30/2024 | Family | Phonse D. (Mike W.) | |
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper Program | 12 | 03/31/2024 | Family | Phonse D. (Mike W) | |
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper Program | 12 | 02/29/2024 | Family | Phonse D (Mike W) | |
St. Vincent de Paul Food Hamper Program | 12 | 01/31/2024 | Family | Phonse D (Mike W) | |
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society | 5 | 01/31/2024 | Community | PD/MW | Estimated 5 hours per month (Mike W) |
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society | 5 | 02/29/2024 | Community | PD/MW | |
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society | 5 | 03/31/2024 | Community | PD/MW | |
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society | 5 | 04/30/2024 | Community | PD/MW | |
Bankview House/Grace Manor Senior Citizens' Housing Society | 5 | 05/31/2024 | Community | PD/MW | |
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council | 10 | 05/31/2024 | Other | PD/MW | Estimated 10 hours per month (Mike W) |
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council | 10 | 04/30/2024 | Other | PD/MW | |
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council | 10 | 03/31/2024 | Other | PD/MW | |
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council | 10 | 02/29/2024 | Other | PD/MW | |
Sacred Heart Church Finance Council | 10 | 01/31/2024 | Other | PD/MW | |
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer | 15 | 01/31/2024 | Other | PD/MW | Estimated 15 hours per month (Mike W) |
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer | 15 | 02/29/2024 | Other | PD/MW | |
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer | 15 | 03/31/2024 | Other | PD/MW | |
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer | 15 | 04/30/2024 | Other | PD/MW | |
Lyceum Society Secretary Treasurer | 15 | 05/31/2024 | Other | PD/MW | |
Hike for Life | 30 | 05/12/2024 | Life | Tim D. | Preparation, promotion and participation in the 44th Annual Hike for Life |
Parish Stampede Breakfast | 97 | 07/06/2024 | Community | Tim D. | 15 Knights participating in various activities. |
Garage Sale 2024 | 249 | 06/17/2024 | Community | Tim D. | Garage Sale activities (June 17th-24th) |
Calgary Chapter Meeting | 20 | 06/24/2024 | Faith | Tim D. | Preparations for Calgary Chapter Meeting. |
Eucharistic Adoration (for vocations) | 30 | 06/07/2024 | Faith | Tim D. | Eucharistic Adoration - 10 Knights - 30 hours combined June 7- 9, 2024 |
Parish BBQ 2024 | 150 | 08/25/2024 | Community | Tim D | 20 Knights volunteer hours. |
Br. Martin funeral | 25 | 08/09/2024 | Faith | Tim D. | |
Fraternal Rosary | 2.5 | 09/03/2024 | Faith | Phonse D. | 5 Knights |
Funeral Reception | 26 | 03/14/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Mario Stocchero |
Funeral Reception | 35 | 03/19/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Icy May Chen-See |
Funeral Reception | 40 | 06/18/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Helen Krauzer |
Funeral Reception | 50 | 07/10/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Guy Francois Joseph Doll |
Funeral Reception | 40 | 07/11/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Deolita Padilla |
Funeral Reception | 40 | 07/18/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Harold & Jacqueline Pommerehnke |
Funeral Reception | 50 | 07/25/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Theodora White |
Funeral Reception | 50 | 07/30/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Alida Maria Carpay |
Funeral Reception | 50 | 08/09/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Martin McDonald |
Lyceum Charity Committee Meeting | 6 | 07/25/2024 | Other | Phonse D. | 6 Knights x 1 hour |
Lyceum Board Meeting | 5 | 08/01/2024 | Other | Phonse D. | 5 Knights x 1 hour |
Sept COR Meeting | 22 | 09/28/2024 | Faith | PD | 11 Knights in attendance. |
Membership Drive | 10 | 10/13/2024 | Community | Roy Ifill | Time accumulated from Sun, Oct 6 to Sun, Oct 13. |
Interactions with RBC Royal Bank as Council Treasurer | 4 | 10/17/2024 | Other | Roy Ifill | Sought information and explanations from the bank. Tried to get RBC to facilitate our Council's banking needs. Time accumulated from Jun 13 to Oct 11, 2024. |
Registered and tested to receive e-Transfers as autodeposits | 6 | 10/04/2024 | Other | Roy Ifill | Collaborative effort of GK (Br. Tim D.), FS (Br. John L.) and Treasurer (Br. Roy) at 2 hours each. |
Membership Drive | 20 | 10/25/2024 | Community | Roy Ifill | Time accumulated from Oct 14 to Oct 23, 2024. |
COR - October | 16 | 10/26/2024 | Faith | PD | 8 Knights x 2 hrs |
Council Retreat - Mount St. Francis | 55 | 10/30/2024 | Faith | PD | 11 Knights x 5 hrs |
Council Retreat Planning | 10 | 10/30/2024 | Faith | PD | |
Membership Town Hall | 20 | 10/26/2024 | Faith | TD | Tim D. Planning hours for event. Tim D. John L. attending the event. |
Fraternal Rosary | 3 | 11/05/2024 | Faith | PD | 6 Knights x 0.5 hrs |
Interaction with RBC Royal Bank as Council Treasurer | 0.5 | 11/18/2024 | Other | Roy Ifill | We receive our monthly bank statements in paper form by mail; digital form not available to us. Now that Canada Post is on strike, I requested that the most recent statement be emailed to me. |
Visiting the Sick | 5 | 11/23/2024 | Life | PD/MW | Brother Mike visit and groceries, etc. for Brother Kevin. |
November COR | 24 | 11/30/2024 | Faith | PD | 12 Knights x 2 Hours |
Lyceum Research | 2 | 12/05/2024 | Other | PD | Preparation and meeting with Seeds of the Word |
Diocese Advent Renewal Mission (Dec 3,4,5) | 40 | 12/05/2024 | Community | PD | Over three nights. Up to 8 Knights in attendance. Also, planning and assisting. |
Square financial infrastructure setup | 60 | 10/25/2024 | Other | TD | |
Funeral Reception | 40 | 10/17/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Tracy Lee MacLeod |
Funeral Reception | 40 | 10/29/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Alec Kevin McDonald |
Funeral Reception | 40 | 11/01/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | Frank Arias |
Funeral Reception | 40 | 11/27/2024 | Faith | PD/LG | JIm Uniake |
December COR | 18 | 12/28/2024 | Faith | PD | 7 Knights x 2 hrs plus preparation |
Christmas Party | 50 | 12/13/2024 | Community | TD | Annual Christmas Party - Combined efforts of 6 Knights |